Here's why CE:
I'm one of those people who drives by construction (road, building, bridges, pipes, etc.) and is always trying to figure out what is being built, modified, or enhanced in the name of efficiency. I'm also that person that drives by an area and will vocalize how inefficient the lane configurations are, or offramp, or stoplight sequence, etc. That's usually followed by a suggestion on how to improve it. My poor wife gets an earful at times. I'm also that guy that looks at products and either loves and respects an efficiently designed product or will completely be baffled that a company releases a product so poorly engineered and wreaking of inefficiency. Then, I spend the next 30 minutes thinking of ways to make it a better product or design while restraining myself from emailing the company. I know the latter example isn't necessarily classified as CE. However, I could see myself out there designing things to help improve civilian efficiency. Thank goodness I'm not. Instead, I'm in the classroom with normal adolescent middle schoolers who are always are in a good mood and never have social problems or woes. Right? One can dream. I love my job. I love teaching those wonderful teenagers. There's never a dull moment with middle schoolers. As their teacher, my objective is to strengthen their young impressionable minds and help them be better critical thinkers.
Enough about me, the point of this post [In the Name of Efficiency] is I have an idea for my class this year. Dare I say 'theme'! And if it goes well, could easily become a staple for the remainder of my teaching career. That's how much I value this idea! We look for products that fit one of two categories:
- The product is very efficiently designed. We explore everything about it that makes it a superbly designed product. What math is involved? How is math involved?
- The product is inefficiently designed in one or more ways. Identify the area(s) of inefficiency and propose a well-thought out modification/enhancement. Again, how would math be involved?
Here's a simple one for the first category: efficient.
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A modern ketchup bottle. |
The ketchup bottle that rests on its lid uses gravity to its advantage and you rarely have to shake the dang thing. Plus, your burger, dog, or fries will actually still be warm when you're done getting ketchup out of the bottle. Why did it take someone so long to think if this, right?
Here's an example that fits the second category: inefficient.
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A depleted salt container. |
Take that salt container at the top of this post. Granted, it took a couple of years to deplete the salt in the container, and maybe there's a new design out there, but I got to the end and there's still salt in it. No matter what angle I hold the container, or shake the cylindrical container, it won't pour out every little grain of salt. My question would be: How could we better design the spout? Should its location change? What would happen if the spout were closer to the rim? What would be the easiest, yet most effective change?
Companies do this all the time (or at least should). They reassess the efficiency of their products. Why can't a classroom full of students do the same? We/they complain about things all the time. I want my students to bring in stuff: pictures, products, construction site pictures, machines, etc. We discuss it for a week. We make a bulletin board of ideas. We split the board in half for efficient vs. inefficient. I want each student to be responsible for at least one contribution throughout the year. They do a brief write-up. Pick from a collection of modifications/enhancements submitted by their peers. Sketch or draw a new design. I'm ranting here because I want to flesh this out... I want this to work!
I want my students to bring things in that drive them bonkers. Fine, if you don't like it, think of something better. How would you design it? What would you want it to do? On the other hand, I want my kids to bring in things that they absolutely adore. Things they couldn't live without. Things that they take for granted on how awesome they are. This might require them to give it more thought. Usually something that is efficient, well-designed, well-made, and awesome can be overseen because of how great it is. The second it stops working, is gone, or replaced with an inferior product we pine. Talk about an opportunity for students to appreciate many of the wonderful, amazing, and unbelievable inventions of our time. I think this would foster a sense of gratitude for some of the cool things we experience every single day. It's not just about complaining and finding things that could be better.
This is one thing I'll be doing differently this year. Am I off base here? This wouldn't be the foundation of my teaching, but it sure feels naturally appropriate to a math class. Aren't we teaching our kids to be better problem solvers? better critical thinkers? better contributors to society? I always tell them to better problem solvers and not better problem complainers. Don't we have things that drive us nuts? Within reason. I'm not talking about losing your internet in the middle of an airplane ride. Your life will go on without the internet for a few hours. Yes, it will! Don't even start with me. If you got a problem with losing the internet on a plane, read a book, pay attention to your kid for a few minutes, or talk to the person next to you. Everybody has a story to tell. Ask them what their story is. If you're not convinced, talk to my man Louis CK. Tell 'em CK: