Snail's Pace

Last post, I shared a lesson (Woody's Raise) that included both Act 1 and Act 3. I asked you all to collaborate and design Act 2. Many of you came through like champs in the comments.

For this post, I only have an Act 1, leaving Act 2 even more open-ended. I'll admit, I only have Act 1 because I haven't invested the time necessary for Act 2 and Act 3. Here's my current Act 1.

I thought of this lesson many months ago while out walking in the morning, but wanted to capture it on video... no joke. So until that time actually comes along, I'll give you what I envisioned for Act 1, the video version. We start with Bill Conti's Gonna Fly Now (Theme from Rocky) as we take a couple close-up shots of the snail. The camera pans out to a bird's eye view of the snail starting at one side of the sidewalk, letting time elapse for about 15-20 seconds.

Back to the picture of the snail who has an increasingly long road ahead of him. I notice that he isn't taking the shortest path to the other side. I notice that there aren't any other snails to avoid. I notice the sidewalk is wet. I wonder what his path will be. Will his path be linear? curved? circular? other? I wonder what his rate will be. I wonder what the dimensions of the sidewalk are. I wonder if the Pythagorean Theorem could be used here. What do you wonder?

Head over to Dan Meyer's and enter a question (or skip it) so you can see my Teacher Notes for Act 2. You might need to log in. Thanks to Ignacio Mancera for linking a site with Speed of Animals. This will help assist our Act 2 adventure.

Here's what I have so far if you can't get into 101qs.

What initial conversation(s) would you have with students?
How would you have students work with Act 2 information (dimensions, rate of snail)?
Is this a waste of time?
Should we (I) shelf this idea for now? (or even toss it in the trash can?)
